December Currently

I was just saying yesterday that I can't believe December is here! I guess it's official now that I've done Farley's December Currently…

My goal was to be super productive today. I'm clearly procrastinating by watching TV and blogging. 

December sure snuck up on me! I need to get back into my regular gym routine since these engagement photos are happening soon and I'm so not ready! (By the way, thanks to all my sweet blog followers for all of the wedding wishes you've left me! I appreciate all of your kind words! :) ) Today was day one of my new plan…and I made it to the gym this morning. I'm hoping I can keep this going. I probably shouldn't have set that goal the week before parent conferences.

I'm loving my new holiday scented candle from Bath and Body Works. I went a little crazy there on Black Friday but I ended up finding some deals on gifts there for my wonderful parent volunteers. Does anyone else give their volunteers gifts at the holidays? If so, what have you given? Sometimes I get creative and find cute little mugs to fill with goodies but this year I'm taking the easy route!

Happy December everyone! Time for me to get back to that list!


  1. This comment has been removed by the author.

  2. Wow...cute blog!! I am definitely a sucker for the drama of Grey's Anatomy. I often "listen" to it as well while multi-tasking. Congrats on your upcoming nuptials...when is the big day? The workout thing has been out the window for me for the past month or so....its soooo hard with two kids, two dogs, and a full-time job. I totally understand. I am your newest follower.

    1. Thanks so much! The big day isn't until next summer but time is flying! I guess shouldn't be making excuses for not working out since I don't have two kids or two dogs! Haha. Just 34 kids every day that are exhausting! Thanks so much for stopping by my blog! :)

  3. You have plenty of time to get in shape, but I know it's hard to find the time. I don't actually "work out" but I surf as much as possible which keeps me in great shape. The key is finding something you love to do:) Good luck on your To Do list, mine is a mile long!!

    Surfin' Through Second

    1. Thanks, Corinna! Good luck with yours too!

  4. Hi Marie,
    I just watched this week's Grey's this morning. I still love that show!
    I love your RAK. I run at an outside track where many elderly people work out and they kick my butt every time! It is very humbling.

  5. Hey! I found you on Dec. Currently and I am your newest follower.
    Sent From My iPad

  6. New follower from Farley's blog! Love that you're motivated to work out... I need to, just lazy! How are you liking Grey's this season?! I cannot figure out how I feel. What scented candles did you get from B&BW? Great stuff they've got :)

    Miss V's Busy Bees

    1. Hi Sara,
      I was a little disappointed at the beginning of the season but I think I've gotten over it! The candle scent that I purchased is just called "Holiday". Even though my tree isn't here yet, it still smells like Christmas in here with that candle!

  7. Love your blog name...I have nominated you for the Liebster Award. Click below to see the post! Enjoy!

    Award Post

    Dana :)

  8. Hey Marie,
    I am a fellow CA blogger. Loving the rain and Gray's Anatomy season this year (did not like last season). Glad you linked up because I now have a new blog to stalk!
    The Picture Book Teacher's Edition

  9. I'm your newest follower!
    A. I love myself a BBW candle!
    and B. Yes, I usually do parent volunteer gifts and every year I struggle with what to do? How much to spend? etc etc.... I have actually given a small BBW candle before! I've done a small plant (Trader Joe's have good "gift like" ones).... but I am always trying to find a better idea!!
    Another teacher in my school has the kids make little reindeer hand towels using the volunteer's kid's handprint. I have never done that because I do a different handprint craft from every kid to their parent and felt it may be weird for just a few kids to get to do this second craft....that being said- I may try it this year. If I do, I will post it on my blog. It is a reindeer on a small towel - basically the kid does the handprint, but the teacher does everything else... there is hot glue, ribbon and a pom pom involved.

    Love your blog!
    Crayons and Whimsy
